Thursday, August 19, 2010

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Final Blog

My first blog posts were really short and made me sound dumb. As time went on the posts got longer and sounded better. Then we did podcasts and I didn’t like them as much because it seemed like talking to a computer and it was not fun. After that we started getting in to the movie stuff and this was more fun because we did less work. The blog posts got longer especially the lord of the rings posts because they were the longest movies I have ever seen. Then after we got back from winter break we learned about doing vlogs which were kind of like podcasts but a video instead of pictures they were also easier. We did the youtube section which was pretty fun but after that we stopped using the blogs for a while and started using wikis and forums. The latest blog post I did was about my book and it was pretty long and way better than the first ones I did. I think the most interesting thing we did all year was the food in. section the movie just made me think about what I eat a lot more than I usually would. The worst thing was Lord of the Rings it was just to long and boring.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


The book i decided to read for the second semester is Feed a book about kids in the future and how they have a thing in their head called the feed. The main characters are Titus, Marty, Quendy, Loga, Link, and Violet. Titus is the narrator and the others are his friends. The struggles they go through are between each other dealing with relationships and with other people on the moon. The feed is this thing in their brain that they can basically do anything on its like an iPhone in your head you can surf the web, call people, play games, and this is were most advertisements are posted. The group of friends get their feeds hacked by some guy at the club and one of them (Violet) starts having problems with her feed her and Titus start dating and she teaches him about how the companies that control the feed are doing things they don't know about. This is kind of like Food Inc. teaching us about the food industry. They grow apart from each other and Titus breaks up with her. She continues to have problems and is close to death. Thats about all i can say without ruining the ending but i feel this is a very great book especially if you are into science fiction then this book is perfect for you.

the people that gave this book a bad review mainly said that they didn't like the book because of the language used by the characters i think this is dumb because the language isn't dumb its creative. most reviews liked the book because it shows how the future could end up. this book appears on a listmania featuring the book Brave New World a book about a world were babies are born in laboratories it is a science fiction novel.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Food Inc.

So in this blog post i am going to be talking about the movie food Inc. in this movie they talk about the dangers in the foods we eat. In the beginning they talk about the way chickens are raised and how they have no rights they just sit around in chicken houses all day, i say sit around because they cant walk. The reason they cant walk is because they grow so fast their bones don't develop enough to hold their own weight. I think this is bad because its inhumane and those animals should have rights. The reason they grow so fast is because their food is full of hormones that cause them to gain a lot of weight very quickly. These hormones then get transferred to us when we eat the chicken.

The second chapter starts talking about corn and the ways it is used. Corn is used in so many products that if you went in to an average person's house and looked through their kitchen you would see that it is used in almost all food products. This is dangerous because we are feeding it to animals also and most of the animals that we feed it to aren't programmed to eat corn. Cows for an example were made to eat grass but when we found out how easy it is to feed them corn that is what we feed them because it is inexpensive and easy to use. This caused cows to develop E-Coli a disease which can kill humans if they are diagnosed with it. The movie said that if a cow eats grass one time every five days it will get rid of the E-Coli.
Another chapter talks about how a company named Monsanto controls 90% of the United States' soy bean crops. The reason they control so much is because they adapted the soy beans to withstand pesticides and the mutation spread throughout the continent. Now they are slowly getting rid of people who farm their own soybeans by suing them claiming patent infringement. They also send out people to farms to look for saved seeds which are seeds that you don't plant but save them for the next year. They have a monopoly on the soy bean industry and no one can stop them because they will just sue you until your in debt for the rest of your life.
So in all i felt like this movie was really informative and although i didn't like some of the things they said i agree with most of it.

Thursday, March 11, 2010



Monday, January 11, 2010

First Vlog